Privacy Notice

The purpose of this notice is to make you aware of how we will manage and protect your personal data.

You can use the short cut links below to go directly to specific sections.

Who we are Your Rights
Our lawful basis for collecting your data Subject Access Request
What data we collect Deletion of personal information
Sharing information with other data processors Bereavement notification
Keeping your data safe Restrict processing of personal information
What we do with your data Right to rectification
How long we keep your data How to contact us


Who we are

ATOC Ltd manages 16-17 Saver on behalf of the participating train companies. ATOC Ltd is the data controller and, as such, is responsible for ensuring the lawful and appropriate handing of all the personal data that you provide in order to purchase the 16-17 Saver.  ATOC Ltd's address is 200 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HD.

16-17 Saver, Railcard and National Rail are trademarks of ATOC Ltd. ATOC Ltd also trades under the name Rail Delivery Group.

To contact us regarding our use of your data, please click here. Alternatively, you can write to us at ATOC Ltd, 200 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HD.

Our lawful basis for collecting your data

When you buy the 16-17 Saver, you enter into a contract with ATOC Ltd for the provision of the 16-17 Saver on behalf of train companies. Therefore, collecting your data is necessary for us to perform the contract with you.

We will treat your data in an appropriate and lawful manner, in accordance with data protection laws.

What data we collect

We only collect the data that we need in order to process your application. For the 16-17 Saver we collect your name, address, date of birth, email address, contact number and photograph. We also require details from either a UK driving licence, International Passport or National Identity Card to verify your date of birth. If you don't have any of these forms of ID, you can choose to upload a scan of your birth certificate or a Government-approved PASS card instead.

If you are buying the 16-17 Saver on behalf of another person, we will need their personal details. In this case, we will deem that you have the other person's permission to provide their personal details.

If you choose to enter a voluntary prize draw for either market research or competitions, we will collect your personal email address, your name and postcode and 16-17 Saver number.

We use cookies and similar tools across our website to improve your experience and our website's performance. To find out more about cookies, read our Cookie Policy.

Sharing information with other data processors

To fulfil your request for the 16-17 Saver, we use a number of suppliers to produce, deliver and administer your 16-17 Saver.

These suppliers are:

  • Fast Rail Ticketing Ltd (who retail , and fulfil the 16-17 Saver, and verify age related documents)
  • Indicia (who provide our customer database)
  • Teleperformance (who provide customer support and   telesales for the 16-17 Saver, and verify age related documents)
  • Salesforce (who send our emails)
  • Rival (who send our renewal reminders by post)
  • Quiet Storm (who provide some of our website pages, including competition and contact forms)
  • BPA Quality (who provide quality assurance on customer support and email correspondence)
  • Accent (who undertake market research and surveys on our behalf)
  • Survey Monkey (who provide a survey platform for us)
  • LiveRamp (who provide targeted advertising and profiling across marketing platforms, including social media)

Your personal information may be disclosed to the train companies who run services in your region in order for them to administer and support your use of the 16-17 Saver. We also share information with law enforcement agencies on request.

We will not share your details with any other third parties for marketing purposes unless you provide us with your consent. If you consent to marketing, you can find out more about the communications you’ll receive in our Marketing & Contact Policy. If you already hold a valid 16-17 Saver your details will be shared with a third party under legitimate interest, to exclude you from acquisition marketing.

If you participate in a survey with us, your surveys will be processed by our survey supplier.

If you enter one of our prize draws for market research or competitions, your entry will be held by our suppliers. Winners of competitions will be notified using the contact details provided in their entry. Where a prize is being offered by one of our partners, your contact details may be provided to them in order for them to fulfil the prize.

Keeping your data safe

We protect your privacy by ensuring we have the appropriate security measures in place, backed up by contractual obligations, to ensure that our suppliers process your data in an appropriate, lawful and safe manner.

What we do with your data

We use your data to provide you with the 16-17 Saver, and:

  • to provide you with customer support services, for example if you lose your 16-17 Saver
  • to exclude you from acquisition marketing if you hold a valid 16-17 Saver
  • to notify you when your 16-17 Saver is due to expire, and to suggest other relevant products if you no longer qualify for the 16-17 Saver
  • to remind you if you have an incomplete online Railcard application, via email and digital marketing channels
  • to send you information about any changes to your 16-17 Saver’s terms and conditions; and
  • to alert you to any changes to this Privacy Notice

We analyse our customer data for sales insight and marketing research including demographic, geographic and attitude analysis to understand who our customers are in groups rather than as individuals.

We have a legitimate interest in improving our products and services, and we conduct market research for this purpose. We may therefore contact you from time to time to invite you to participate in our market research. This research may be carried out by a supplier not currently listed in this Privacy Notice, however we will always inform you who is completing this research on our behalf. Your data will be shared with this supplier for this purpose alone and will be deleted once this research has been completed.

If you enter one of our prize draws for market research or competitions, the data we collect will be kept securely whilst the survey and/or competition is live. The prize draw winner(s) details (first name and county) will be made available after the closing date for 30 days to those who send an email to with the survey title as the subject line. Personal details will only be used for the purpose of the prize draw and will be deleted once the winner has been confirmed.

How long do we keep your data?

We keep your data while your 16-17 Saver is valid, and for two years thereafter to enable you to renew easily within that period. During this time you may receive other communications from us if you have consented.

If you have started but not completed a 16-17 Saver application and haven’t purchased a 16-17 Saver using an online account with us before, the data you have entered will be  immediately deleted at the end of the session.

If you participate in a competition, survey or prize draw for market research, your entry will be held for 30 days and then deleted or anonymised.

Your rights

You have several rights to data protection which are set out below. To contact us in relation to your rights regarding how we use your data, please click here to submit a request.

Subject access request

You have the right to request that we give you a copy of the data we hold about you. This is called a ‘Subject Access Request’.

Deletion of personal information

You have the right to request that we delete any data that we hold on you after your 16-17 Saver has expired.

Restrict processing of personal information

You have the right to request that we restrict processing of your information for specific purposes such as direct marketing. However, for the duration that your 16-17 Saver is active we will continue to process your data in the way we have set out in this Privacy Notice in order to enable us to fulfil our contract to you.

Right to rectification

If your details are incorrect, incomplete or have changed, you can contact us at any time to change these.

If you bought your 16-17 Saver online, you can update your details by logging onto your online account on the 16-17 Saver website and updating them.

Alternatively, please fill out our online form to request changes to the data we hold on you.

How to contact us

To exercise any of your rights set out above, please click here and fill out our online form or contact us using the details provided below:

Data Protection Lead for 16-17 Saver
ATOC Ltd, 200 Aldersgate Street, London EC1 4HD.
Tel: 0207 841 8000.

Please include your name, address and 16-17 Saver number, so that we can deal with your request.


You have the right to complain about our processing to the Information Commissioner if you believe we are not processing your data in a proper manner - see for more information.


Last updated 21 June 2021